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It can be exciting the first time you advance to management. Most of the time, people spend a lot of time preparing for their new role in leadership and start off great. The best thing is to understand what you can expect on the job when you start out. Take a look at the following tips for first-time managers and leaders. 

  1. Keep Learning

Some people think that once they make it to management, they are finished learning. However, they need to keep learning every day. Nobody knows everything, and you should always be open to learning about new ways of doing things. If you stay open minded and continue looking for new knowledge, you will reduce stress and do well in this job. 

  1. Try to Connect with Employees

If you want to make it as a leader, you will need to learn to connect with your employees. Get to know them and build connections based on trust and respect. This way, your employees will be willing to make contact with you, speak their minds, and establish trust. It is important to have one-on-one meetings to discuss their job performance and expectations, and they can give you feedback as well. This helps the employees feel valued. 

  1. Have Meetings with Other Managers

The managers from different departments will interact with each other regularly. You should make sure that you introduce yourself to each one, and you can schedule small meetings so that you can get to know each other. As you meet, look for people who can mentor you. They may have time to meet with you privately, where you can learn more.

  1. Always Listen

One of the most effective skills of new managers is that they listen to get a good handle on employee satisfaction. They should provide the team with an opportunity to speak openly about how they feel about both their job and the company. Sometimes, they will send out an anonymous survey for feedback, and they can find ways to make changes to increase productivity and motivation under their leadership.